Maintaining good health and remaining in total fitness is one of the best ways to ensure personal as well as home safety. When you are fit your mind too is alert to even the faintest of noises and you will be able to react faster in an emergency situation like a house break while you and your family is asleep. Fitness is the one thing you can trust, and pay nothing for availing it. Combine your fitness with a watch dog and an ADT Alarm System and will have ensured good security for your home. There is nothing that can beat this three-in-one combination. The first body part that you must target as you may have guessed is the abdomen and your back. Most exercise for these muscle groups come together and there are many of them.
Abdominal muscles do not really grow to big sizes just like the thigh, biceps or the shoulders. Instead they tighten and get well defined if you repeat the ab workouts several times at a stretch, every day. But that is not the final advice; you also need to maintain a proper diet and lifestyle to match. If your diet is high on fat and don't include aerobics as part of your exercise regimen, then chances are high that fat may accumulate over your ab muscles, and the 6-pack abdominal muscles you have always longed will never show up. Besides, exercising the abdominal muscles will hardly produce any results unless; your whole body loses the fatty tissues in sufficient quantity. It is therefore very important to include aerobic exercises, if you really want the chiseled 6-pack look for the ab.
Here are some good ab workouts that have been found to be very effective.
The Bicycle Exercise: It is a time tested exercise that targets the lower abdominal muscles, and a really tough one at that. Repeat as many times as you can, and you will have no reason to be disappointed.
Lay flat on a firm mat (not too soft) with your hands straight and resting on the sides. First lift either of you leg even as you begin to fold your knee and endeavor to touch the knee onto your belly and straighten the knee while you return back to the original position. Repeat this motion with the other leg and back again. You should soon be able to complete in rapid succession after some initial hiccups. This corresponds to the pedaling movement that you use in bicycles, hence this name.
The Captain's Chair Leg Raise: Like the bicycle exercise, this exercise is an excellent workout for the lower abdomen and the oblique muscles as well. It can be a little tough if you are doing it the first time or your abdomen muscle is too weak. Most gyms have a captain's chair, try it out.
Start by standing on the chair with your elbows folded at right angle and resting on the arm rest. All your weight will need to be supported by your arm at the elbow across the lower hand. Begin to fold your legs at the knee as you curl at the hips and endeavor to touch the chest with the knee. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds and return back to the original position. Repeat as many times as you can. It is really a tough exercise, but really worth the efforts.
The Arm Crunch: It is an excellent exercise to begin with and requires no equipment. However, you will need to be careful with your back. Do it slowly and maintain proper breathing.
Lay on your back with your legs folded and arms parallel and stretched. Curl your shoulders and endeavor to touch your head onto the belly, while you breathe out, and breathe in when you return back to the position you started. Repeat as many times as you can.