
Is it OK to exercise if I have a cold?

Mild to moderate physical activity is usually OK if you have a garden-variety cold and no fever. Exercise may even help you feel better by opening your nasal passages and temporarily relieving nasal congestion.

As a general guide for exercise and illness, consider this:

    Exercise is usually OK if your signs and symptoms are all "above the neck" — symptoms you may have with a common cold, such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing or minor sore throat. Consider reducing the intensity and length of your workout, though, or you may feel worse. Instead of going for a run, take a walk, for example.
    Don't exercise if your signs and symptoms are "below the neck" — such as chest congestion, hacking cough or upset stomach.
    Don't exercise if you have a fever, fatigue or widespread muscle aches.

Let your body be your guide. If you have a cold and feel miserable, take a break. Scaling back or taking a few days off from exercise when you're sick shouldn't affect your performance. Resume your normal workout routine gradually as you begin to feel better. And check with your doctor if you aren't sure if it's OK to exercise.

Remember if you do choose to exercise when you're sick, reduce the intensity and length of your workout. If you attempt to exercise at your normal intensity when you have more than a simple cold, you could risk more serious injury or illness.


Dumbbell Exercises Are A Great Option For Exercising

In today’s world everyone is trying to get slimmer, stronger, and more in shape than ever. Because of this, there are so many different ways to work out and exercise. One of the best options for working out is dumbbell exercises though. There are so many reasons why dumbbell exercises are such a great option for working out and staying in shape.
One of the main reasons why dumbbell exercises are a good choice for exercising is the convenience of them. Dumbbell exercises can easily done anywhere in the house. The exercises can be done during the commercials of watching TV in your living room, they can be done in your home gym, they can be done in your bedroom. Dumbbell exercises can also be done in the actual gym if you belong to one. They’re easy and convenient to use.
Another perk of doing dumbbell exercises is that if you don’t belong to a gym and you have to buy your own equipment for your house, buying a few dumbbells isn’t expensive at all compared to the many machines that people buy. All you need is a few different types of weights and the dumbbells and you’re good. Also they don’t even take up too much space in your house. So they’re cheap, and the stay out of the way!
A last advantage to working out with dumbbells is that they are able to work a variety of areas on your body. If you were to buy machines, they only work one specific area of muscles. But dumbbells can be used to work every muscle in your body. Even when you are doing an exercise that is meant to primarily focus on one muscle group, other muscles get worked out. This way you’re able to make sure that no one muscle group is getting too much work while the other groups aren’t. Everything moves along at a similar pace and it’ll have you looking great!


How to Get and Stay Motivated to Exercise

Getting motivated to exercise can be like climbing up a huge mountain. You want to get to the top, you just don't know where to begin. How many times have you wanted to start working out, and just kept finding excuses to put it off? Maybe you know someone who is always talking about the gym, but haven't stepped inside one in years. I know how hard it can be. There were times I had taken off weeks of exercising and when I was ready to get back into it, the motivation just wasn't there.

There can be a lot of reasons to put off exercising when your not motivated. For example, not having enough time, no babysitter, not feeling up to it, no one to workout with, etc. I have a special name for all of these reasons, "Excuses". We make excuses to get out of things that our mind wants to do but we tell our body we don't feel like it. Here's some ways to get motivated and stay motivated to get in the best shape of your life.

A lot of people think Nike just made a cool quote when they said "Just Do It". I love this quote because it means "Take Action". Don't think about it, be about it. It's just like wanting to go swimming but your just putting your toes in and out of the water to see how cold it is. Just do it! Jump in and start swimming. The more time you waste thinking about things, the longer it takes you to get where you want to be.

Another way to get motivated is to Start Small then Grow. For example, by starting off with body weight exercises for 15 minutes a day, then 30, then 45, etc., motivates you by seeing progress. I can remember when it was hard for me to do 2 straight pull ups. I kept working at it and seeing the progress and now I can't stop doing them.

One of the most important things you can do to stay motivated to exercise is to Set a Goal. Your goal can be big or small. It may be to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month, run 2 miles without stopping by next week, fit those clothes that are too tight by the summer or increase your performance in your favorite sport. Try writing it down and putting it somewhere where you can see it everyday like in the bathroom, kitchen, mirror, etc.

To make exercising fun and to keep learning new ways to reach your goals, you should Surround Yourself with Like Minded People. I'm not saying dump your friends that don't exercise, I'm saying expand your social relationships with people who have similar goals. Try meeting people at the gym who you see all the time. Maybe you can workout together to help motivate each other. Just make sure you still have your own goals. I've seen a lot of times when people had workout buddies and eventually one fell off and the other one lost their motivation also.

Sometimes it can be hard to start exercising but once you take action, start small then grow, set goals, and surround yourself with like minded people, it can be hard to stop. Once you reach where you want to be, you will then have new goals to reach and the motivation continues to increase.


Transform Your Body With Brooke Burke: Strengthen & Condition

Here, Brooke Burke is joined by her celebrity trainer, Greg Joujon-Roche, who, she says, developed the workout. It's very similar to the Tone & Tighten installment; in fact, it starts out with virtually the same exercise moves in the lower-body segment.

There's really no need to involve the trainer. At times, it seems as though the two -- talking over each other -- are competing to give the audience instructions. At other times, Burke -- who seems like a workout superwoman in the other DVD -- appears whiny and winded, even though she's only using itty-bitty 2-pound weights. Her tendency to clench her teeth and complain about being tired almost seems fake, in fact, because she's such a stalwart in the other DVD.

This is, however, a really challenging workout. As in the other one, moves are done for one minute -- and categorized into lower body, upper body and ab segments. The ab one, which borrows a lot of moves from Pilates, is particularly tough -- especially if you do it last. Most folks who don't work out with a celebrity trainer every day will have to drop out a few reps and catch up. You'll feel the results when you can barely get out of bed the next morning.


Getting Jennifer Aniston's Hot Body Is Easier Than You Think (VIDEO)

Have you ever envied Jennifer Aniston's super-buff figure? If you say no, then I'm going to have to assume you're either lying or you're just hopelessly devoted toTeam Angelina and refuse to shed any sort of positive light on Jen. Because it's pretty hard to argue that she's got one of the most rockin' bodies in Hollywood -- hands down.

So many of us have always wondered how she manages to stay so slim and trim, without the slightest hint of a lump, bump, or inconvenient bulge. She has to be drinking some sort of magic potion right? Well, it turns out that her method for staying in perfect shape is one that many of us have access to right in our hometowns, and a lot of us are probably already doing it. So -- how do we make our bodies look just as buff as Jen's?

It turns out all we have to do is head down to our local yoga studio and get our zen on. Yoga? Really? That's it? Huh. I wonder what I did wrong when I bought into thehot yoga craze for a little over a year. I got on that mat and endured sweating like a pig over and over again, and while I did tone up a bit, I never remotely resembled Jennifer Aniston. I must have been doing the poses incorrectly or something -- because they're sure workin' for Jen.

Jen's trainer, Mandy Ingber, has had her doing yoga workouts for quite some time now, and she thinks that the balance it has created between her mind, body, and emotions is what has made her body so flawless. Mandy also says that Jen is very disciplined in her workouts, which isn't exactly a shock. I think you kind of have to be a bit rigid and consistent with your routine to maintain such astonishing results.

Mandy does offer a yoga DVD called Yogolosophy, which Jen supposedly used while filmingWanderlust. I have to admit -- I'm pretty tempted to order it and give yoga one more try. Looking like Jen would definitely be worth the shipping and handling fees.


How Abs Work

Everyone wants an impressive six pack. Having a full understanding of what the abdominals do and how the muscles work can help you get one.
How do I get that six pack? This is the question we all have asked at one time or another. Having that flat washboard stomach is a sign that you are serious in keeping fit and strong, but that doesn't mean you're abdominals are just for show. The muscles in your midsection are essential for strength and fitness across your body.
Your abdominal area is comprised of four separate muscle types. All four muscles support and help move the torso.
1. The Rectus abdominus (the "six Pack" Muscle), the long slender muscle that runs vertically down your abdomen from your lower ribs to the pubic bone. It flexes the ribcage so that it moves towards the pelvis. This is one of the main muscle groups you will use when doing crunches.
2. The external obliques, which cover the front side of your abdomen and run diagonally from the lower ribs to the pelvis to form a 'V' shape. They bend the torso sideways and rotate it to the opposite side when flexing forwards.
3. The internal obliques, these are directly underneath the external obliques but they run in the opposite direction and form an inverted 'V' shape. They help the rectus abdominus bent the torso forwards, as well rotating it to the same side to which they are attached.
4. The transverse abdominus (TVA), this is the flat sheet of muscle lying underneath the rectus abdominus, running across the torso. It originates in the lower spine, and wraps around and attaches to the ribs, abdominals and the pelvis. It acts as a muscular girdle to hold in your internal organs.
What the abs do
As I have mentioned earlier in this article, although the word 'abs' is usually used as the plural for the rectus abdominus muscle that is a single sheet that connects your rib cage to the pelvic bone. This muscle has hard tissue that marks out segments, which are the things that form the visible six pack. As you by now are well aware, there are a total of four muscles that make up the powerful midsection 'The Core'.
The flexible midsection is activated every time you use a large muscle group because it stabilises your body and provides a solid platform from which your strength can operate. During sports and other activities you transmit the force you generate through your midsection 'The Core' from one half of your body to the other. For example this is why you rotate your shoulders and swing your arms just before you kick a football, you are therefore transferring the energy you generate from the top half of your body (swinging your arms and rotating your shoulders) and transferring that energy through your core (Midsection) to your leg, the outcome of this is the ball moves.
One of the great ways you can train you midsection your core for stability is by using lose weights with a Swiss ball rather than using a static bench. Stabilising yourself on a ball forces your muscles to work harder than they would if you where on a stable surface.
One of the biggest myths, that doing a 1000 crunches a week will give you a great six pack. Right there is nothing wrong with doing crunches as you are working your core muscles, but to get that flat stomach and a defined six pack there's a bit more to it than that. We all have a six pack but in order to make your six pack more defined you will have to strip away the body fat that surrounds them. There's no special secret to building abs muscles. They work the same way as every other muscle in the body and like the other muscles in the body you need to exhaust them by lifting heavy loads (Weights) in short intense workouts. After these short intense workouts you should be looking to rest the muscle group for 48 hours for them to recover and grow before your next workout. Once you have built up some muscular endurance in your abs by doing crunches, you will need to add some more resistance to your workout; this can be done by holding a heavy weight tight against your chest like a flat dumbbell weight. Getting your protein intake right will also help in building your muscles as well.
Strip away the fat.
This is just one approach to developing your six pack underneath your layer of belly fat, but the belly fat itself will remain there. You cannot get rid of your belly fat 'Beer Gut' by just doing crunches alone. The only way to burn body fat is the old fashioned way and that is cardiovascular exercises. Short, intense cardiovascular workouts are best for burning calories and less likely to burn muscle. Do three short 30 minute intense workout cardio sessions a week, followed by some lose weight workout. Eat a diet of low saturated fat and processed carb's. Also If you supply your abs with new challenges every four weeks, and stick to healthy eating and don't skip on your workouts, you'll soon see the six pack come through. As you strengthen your midsection along with the role your abs play in keeping your body stable, you will feel fitter and be better able to do any activity.
I hope this article helps you answer those questions and that you find the right program to match what your personal weight loss and fitness goals.


The Top 3 Most Useful User Tips or Warnings From Online P90X Ten Minute Trainer Reviews

10 Minute Trainer with Tony Horton is a Beachbody.com 10 minute workout that is a clear attempt by the company to market to two specific groups of people.
First, people who are really busy and may or may not have tried P90X, but feel it is too many hours in a week. Second, are people who are beginners to fitness. After all, the logic goes, you can give 10 minutes easier and fight your way through, even if you aren't fit.
Beachbody doesn't shy away from people calling the workout the P90X Ten Minute Workout. You'd have to be a total fool in marketing to shy away from being lumped in with the famously successful P90X. However, having done P90x, I can attest that the level of commitment and the results you get from that commitment are like nothing I had experienced with other home workouts.
So I don't believe necessarily that a person can call 10 Minute Trainer a P90X Ten Minute Workout without more information. When splicing out the meaning of what it means to be a P90X workout, the biggest requirement is getting those great looking results.
I sincerely don't believe that a person can expect 10 Minute Trainer to be a true P90X Ten Minute Workout without basic principles that are not in the marketing pitch of your 10 Minute Trainer program. Instead these are principles that I gathered looking at nearly 300 online reviews by satisfied and dissatisfied customers.
First, you should fully expect to go hard as you can in your first workouts and full expect that it will be too hard for you to finish. This is key with your 10 Minute Trainer. You will be counted on to measure your own progress honestly and to make modifications so that the workout is always on the edge of being too difficult. Those modifications depend on knowing where you stand physically right from the beginning.
Second, don't fool yourself that you will get P90X fit in 90 days on a quarter of the total exercises. Users are saying that the program will help you lose weight if you need to, and get stronger with better endurance on just the 10 minutes. The next level of getting really fit and beach ready for most of us, probably means doing at least 2 probably 3 of the 10 minute workouts in a day.
Third, and probably most importantly, your results will depend mostly on having a nutrition plan that promotes your goals. As I have pointed out in prior articles, I know plenty of fat guys and some heavy women who run 5k races and jog a couple times a week. If you want to get beyond that level, mastering a workable nutrition plan is a must. Start on the Beachbody customer forums. They'll be so many diet nuggets of gold shared there, that it won't take long for you to have a program you can start with.


Fitness incentives sought after program killed due to lack of student interest

Humber’s BEE Fit Incentive program was cancelled last year after two decades due to low student participation but the athletics department is currently working on a new initiative to replace it.

“When we ran the BEE Fit program, it was an incentive program that changed yearly as to how we ran it and different things would happen where you would collect points on a chart,” said Leanne Henwood-Adam, fitness co-ordinator and facility manager.

Henwood-Adam said that staff participation was always high, but students did not find the program appealing.

“They weren’t interested in getting things that we were giving – like a t-shirt, stress ball, or a gym bag,” said Henwood-Adam.  “Nowadays, students want more big ticket items like an iPad, iPod, MacBook, or mountain bike.”

The program that was designed to encourage people, especially students, to work out will be restructured to try to accomplish that.

“Our goal now is to try to get student participation but not by giving out prizes,” said Henwood-Adam.  “We want them to get excited about the different things that we’re going to offer, like theme months, workshops and events based around those theme months.”

The range of activities offered by the program may expand in the future, which will be finalized over the summer and advertised in September.

“We might do a rock climbing event or get a bunch of people together and go mountain biking or canoeing somewhere.”

Athletic director Doug Fox helped develop the BEE Fit program about 20 years ago and is now working with Henwood-Adam in the restructuring.

“Unless we’re giving away TVs, the incentive’s not there, so you regenerate and try to go in a new direction to create specialized programs,” Fox said.

Fitness trainer Stephen Jeffrey said getting students to make fitness a high priority means aligning the program with their interests.

“If I had to create a fitness program to encourage students to work out, I would base it around activities they enjoy doing,” said Jeffrey, 22, a second-year fitness and health promotion student.  “I give my clients a choice as to what they want to do.”

Jeffrey added that students are more focused on grades than fitness and this might be one of the reasons as to why the BEE Fit Incentive program failed.

All fitness programs are fully funded by the athletics department.

“It is free to the students because they pay a fee as part of their tuition that comes to athletics,” said Henwood-Adam.

“Students can be assigned a fitness trainer at no cost, who will work with them to achieve their goals,” said Jeffrey.

Athletics department remains dedicated to promoting an active lifestyle to students: “Keep fit, stay in shape, the only winner is a participant,” Fox said.

Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer Really Works!-10 Minute Trainer

Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer is a home fitness program designed for people that share a common obstacle in attaining their fitness goals, a lack of time and proper instruction. Whether its a busy student, a single mother, or a corporate chief executive, Tony Horton's program enables anyone to succeed by applying known fitness techniques in a new and efficient manner thereby maximizing results while at the same time minimizing the time required.
An explanation of the program would be pointless without a little background on the designer of the program, Tony Horton. Tony Horton is a fitness instructor and personal trainer with a wide array of experience in the industry. He has been a trainer to the stars, a fitness club owner, and the developer of over 11 home fitness exercise programs. Perhaps his most successful and well recognized is P90X.10 Minute Trainer
P90X launched in 2004 as a fitness and diet plan that promised and delivered the perfect boy to anyone who followed it for 90 days. It became an instant success, selling in excess of 1.5 million units since its launch. In addition to its commercial success, the majority of its users have reported positively about both the programs method as well as their results.
What makes the 10 Minute Trainer different from P90X is a couple of key dissimilarities. The first is in terms of its target audience.10 Minute Trainer The P90X system is designed for people who want to achieve the perfect body. It featured a multitude of rigorous exercises involving resistance training and cardio programs that involve an ever-changing training format that maximizes its users results.
Unfortunately, P90X, though useful to many, is not practical for the busy American. The program requires a significant time investment to achieve its aims. In addition it requires a stringent diet plan. Its goals cannot be accomplished without a complete lifestyle adjustment involving both physical activity and diet management. This is where the 10 Minute Trainer fills the void created by P90X. Its principal goal is to make fitness attainable to all regardless of how busy they are. It attains this through a collection of short ten-minute workouts designed in the Super Stacking Technique. This technique combines different body group exercises into simple and efficient workouts that burn fat, develop muscle, and work core muscles all in one action.10 Minute Trainer The program is so efficient that its workouts require a minimal ten-minute commitment each day.
The program primarily consists of four DVD videos. The videos focus on four subject areas including the total body, the lower body, cardio, and flexibility. In addition to the videos, the kit also comes complete with resistance bands, a cardio belt, a workout calendar, healthy recipes and diet tips, as well as a rapid results guidebook that helps the user plan their route to success. Lastly, the program comes with 24/7 online support and a variety of bonus items such as cardio cards and an abs video.


Brazil Butt Lift Is A Workout For All People

It may sound like an oxymoron that the Brazil Butt Lift workout program is for ALL people. Although this workout is designed perhaps with women in mind, men can actually get a lot out of it, more than just the tightening, lifting, and toning of their butt.  There are a few reasons why this is the case which are going to be explained in the article below.

First of all the program is called what it is called to simply catch the eye. It’s a sales technique that honestly seems to work and work especially well with women. Brazil Butt Lift This workout probably wouldn’t sell as well if it were called the Lower Body Lift workout, which doesn’t have the same ring to it.  But in fact Brazil butt lift is pretty much a total lower body workout that goes well beyond your butt. There are DVDs that workout the hips, thighs, love handles hamstrings and even quads using moves that require no weights or bands of any kind.

The program also comes with several guides that focus on proper nutrition and offer recipe suggestions that help you form better eating habits. These are included to not simply help you get a tighter, lifted butt, but obviously to help you lead a healthier overall lifestyle. This is one indicator that there’s more to Brazil Butt Lift than, meets the eye. It’s not simply a vain workout to help people turn heads; again its how it’s presented on the infomercials butt there’s more to it.

With Brazil Butt Lift you get a very well thought out and results driven lower body workout. True, your butt will get the bulk of the attention with this program but the overall affect will reach deep into your legs.  If you’re anyone who has ever struggled with lower body results and hates the idea of using strange gym equipment pieces to get you desired results, you better look into this workout routine.Brazil Butt Lift


Benefits of Zumba Dance - Mastering Weight Loss With Fitness Dancing

The benefits of Zumba dance are complex, varied and for the most part depend on your motivation for attending classes. In fact, the practice of Zumba is difficult to define. Some people think of it as a fitness workout. Others consider it to be an effective method of shaping the body. While still others see Zumba as a way to meet friends and catch up on the latest gossip. Of course, chatting with your friends is done before and after class. During class it's all business and all fun.
That's right, this new style of exercise is mostly about enjoying yourself while you lose weight at the same time. There is no complicated or intricate choreography going on. The movements are perfect examples of simplicity. In fact, it's these simple dance steps combined with the energized, upbeat music that results in a fantastic cardiovascular workout routine. As you look around the room, you see the smiles on the faces of your friends. Everyone is having a good time and burning calories too. Over the coming weeks, the pounds seem to melt away and you don't even realize that you're exercising.
But make no mistake, the aerobic benefits are there. Every dance class leads to increased stamina, better balance, improved bone density and less body fat as well. We know of one woman who surprised her doctor when she lowered her blood pressure after just a few months of Zumba dancing. And the mental benefits are noticeable too. The increased blood flow seems to result in sharper minds. The people who get the most out of the fitness classes are the ones who really let go of their inhibitions. That's why so many women enjoy going with their friends because they encourage one another. The more you experiment with different dance moves, the more your body starts to slim down. Several people have commented to me that their coordination improves as their muscles begin to tone and tighten.
We've even joked about losing weight, just so we could tell our husbands that we need to buy new clothes since our old outfits no longer fit correctly. And the best thing is that it's true. Many of us discovered that our pants are too big for our skinny waists now. It's a wonderful feeling. After you attend your first class, you're hooked. It's more like going to a party than going to a workout gym. If your instructor provides a high intensity routine, then you can burn anywhere between 350 to 900 calories per hour. Naturally it depends on certain physical factors such as your body weight, sex and starting fitness level. But, the time just flies by, so you don't even notice how long you've been dancing.
Don't forget, the dance moves are simple to learn. You'll see the movements repeated enough times so that it's easy to watch and then follow along. You may find yourself doing a fast merengue and then switch to something more like disco. If you get lost, just improvise your own steps until you catch up with the group. You'll feel like a pro in no time at all.


Motivation - Hope You Have Some

It's that time again where we start reminiscing on previous year's accomplishments and start looking forward to planning out the upcoming one. This is when a lot of people realize all of their goals may not have been actualized. For many, one goal was to improve their physique. They decide that to become fit, they need to drop some excess flab.
Most people are very judgmental toward themselves. People often equate themselves to others, which can be distorted by their perceptions. Comparisons do not take in account that we all have distinct metabolisms, genetic makeup and lifestyles that affect our body and health. If you are reassessing your fitness goals and want them to be realized, this article will give you the background to keep you focused. These are the 5 key things that used in my life when I was looking for ways to lose weight by exercising. Let's get down to it.
The 5 Key Points
Here is the list of things that kept me motivated while realizing my weight loss goals. There is no set order though in the list.
1. Write in a small notebook every day. This is empowering because you can see results when you review it often. The tracking of your exercise facts could include:
a. Which drills were done
b. The duration of the drills
c. Indicate the weight amount used
d. Time of day of your workout
e. Record your thoughts and emotions
f. Enter your meals and snacks for the day to help you correlate the foods that make you feel good.
2. Have goals - I can't state how important this one is. Knowing what you want gives clarity about what direction to take. It is important to write down your goals as re-reading them is a great reminder of what you want to accomplish. Many times people make the same error when setting objectives. They put the objective out of their mind, then later have to create the whole thing over when they remember their original desire. Objectives will motivate you.
3. Ask a friend to workout with you. This way you can decide your schedule in advance. If I did not have one, I would be coming up with every excuse in the book to skip my workout. There are a hundred reasons we can use for not following through. Having a partner that is relying on us for motivation will encourage us to go as well.
4. Tell as many people as possible - This one is a great motivator because it holds you accountable. Tell your family, your co-workers and your neighbours that you are going to be starting a lose weight by exercising program. Rest assured that those same people will want to know how you are doing with your fitness routine. Because we like to be thought of as a winner, the motivation to keep going is very strong.
5. Reward yourself - I like this one because too many people get stuck in the rut of making their workouts something very negative. It seems like too much work, the exercises are too hard, you hurt the next day. Incorporating your workouts into each day will improve your life and will become something you anticipate. Having your incentives set up previously can help keep things upbeat. What motivates us may be different from what motivates others. A night at the theatre or a sweet treat, are a few examples. Give yourself the gift once you have done the routine for the entire week. Whatever the incentive, it is not significant as long as it works to keep you going.


Six Pack Training for "Abs"-Solute Beginners

Did you find the title a bit whacky? I can't blame you, and I picked that title on purpose because I believe six pack training should be fun. As a personal trainer I have heard just about everything regarding where you should start with your six pack training program. Most of what I heard was blatantly false and in some cases dangerous. In this article I am going to go over some very basic exercises that anyone can do and the exercises create an excellent starting point for you! It doesn't matter your current fitness level, the six pack training routine I'm going to outline is simple, takes almost no equipment, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Crunches Are Not The Only Move

Many people seem to think that if you do a bunch of sit ups or crunches you don't have to do anything else, and nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that these moves are a staple of six pack training, there are many others you can do as well to keep from getting bored. Aside from staying entertained, these will continue to cause muscle confusion which has been proven to accelerate fat loss!

Six Pack Training Bicycle Move

For this exercise you want to start on your back with your hands behind your head. Do not pull on your neck as this will do nothing aside from potentially cause an injury. Raise your knees to your chest and slowly push one of your legs out straight, then repeat on the other side. When you need to make this six pack training move more intense, you can twist your elbow to the opposite knee as you cycle with your legs. Do about 20 repetitions in three sets.

Six Pack Training Reverse Crunch

Start in the normal 'crunch' position, on your back with your knees bent, hands at your sides. Cross your ankles and lift your legs up while tightening your abs. Bring your knees up toward your chest, then return to start position without touching the ground. Do 20 in three sets. This six pack training move will work your lower abs hard which should prove beneficial as the lower abs are normally the most neglected out of your muscle groups.

Six Pack Training Oblique Move

Lie on the floor in the crunch position, with your hands at your sides about 2" above the floor. Tighten your abs and try to touch your fingertips of your left hand to your left heel, and then repeat to the other side. This six pack move works your obliques very well. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Easy Side Bends

For this six pack training move, you will need a pair of hand weights. If you don't have hand weights, you can improvise with plastic gallon jugs (like the ones used for milk). Simply fill the jugs with water. They should end up weighing about 8½ pounds each if you fill them all of the way. Hold a weight (or water filled jug) in each hand and tighten your abs. Slowly slide the weight down the side of your leg, keeping your body straight. Pull weight back up to start position and do the other side. For six pack training purposes, do 3 sets of 25 each side.

The Wood Chopper

For this six pack training move, you will again need a weight or jug full of water. Hold the weight or water jug with both hands and raise them to one side above your head. Bring it down and to the opposite side in a controlled, 'wood chopping' motion. Do 3 sets of 20 each side. This six pack training move needs to be done in a very fluid and controlled manner so you don't hurt your back. In fact, I highly encourage you to practice this particular exercise with no weights at all for one full set of repetitions and watch yourself in a mirror if at all possible.

Crunch Twist

For this six pack abs exercise, get into the crunch position with your feet flat and knees bent. Your arms should be straight over your head. Now you should tighten your abs and crunch up, bringing your hands over to one knee. Lower back toward to floor, but do not let your shoulders touch. Rise back up and aim your hands at the opposite knee. Do three sets of 20 repetitions. This six pack training move will work every muscle in your core.

These exercises should get you started on some good six pack training. For those of us that have been training for awhile, there might be some moves in here we can use to mix things up some. Just remember that consistency is key to six pack training, and train hard! And most importantly, do not get out of form by trying to sneak one last repetition in as it could be your last repetition for some time do to injury.


Plus Size Clothing: Basic Fashion Tips

As the population of the bigger people increase, the demand for gorgeous plus size clothing also flourished which means to say that full - figure people are now getting more and more confident in showing off their stylishness when it comes to fashion without inferiority with their size. If you are one of those women who are blessed with extra curves, you should be proud instead of ashamed as not all are granted the chance to wear fabulous over sized garments.

Also, you don't need to augment your assets like other petite women do to look sexy. With your physical attributes, you just simply need to develop the confident in showcasing your beauty and to do that; you also need voguish plus size clothing. These types of garments are made stylishly for the voluptuous-figured individuals thus you can ensure that they are designed to fit your size. It acts as a support in giving you the sexy look that you want as these clothing are tailored with posh and fashionably stylish.

Although you have the confidence and your closet is full with dashing over sized outfits, being aware of some basic techniques in plus size fashion is an advantage as it can aid you in getting a very impressive look. You can actually find plus size fashion tips by reading magazines or browsing online. It is also best if your try to apply the techniques you learned to improve your ways in dressing with chic plus size clothing.

To start with:

    Know your physical attributes well

- Being familiar with your physique allows you to evaluate your body in a way that you will be aware which areas are your strength and which are your shortcomings. Doing so provides the chance is selecting appropriate plus size clothing that conceals the least impressive parts and emphasize your assets.

    Get the perfect size

- In selecting plus size clothing, do not assume uniformity in sizes. Ensure that the garments fit you perfectly since tight garments expose your extra fats which are not flattering to see at all. On the other hand, loose apparels are not advisable either as it adds more weight rather than concealing it.

    Select the style carefully

- Prints and patterns are very gorgeous to see that sometimes you just tend to grab it without considering if you look good in it. Take note that not all plus size clothing with appealing prints and designed always look good on a certain figure. So, you need to carefully examine and visualize if the patterns compliment your figure. As a tip, select designs and styles that make you appear slimmer and taller.


How To Choose A Radiant Cut Diamond

The radiant cut is a squared shaped diamond that was designed in such a way so that it will sparkle as well as a round brilliant cut. Just like the emerald cut the radiant is very often rectangle with cropped corners. The different between the two is that the radiant is faceted to add more sparkle. In this article, I'll be explaining what you need to know in order to make sure that you choose a good quality radiant cut diamond.

Buying A Radiant Diamond

There are a few things that you should always check before you decide to purchase a radiant online. This is the length and width. Unlike other forms of cut, with the radiant there aren't any rules with ratio. It's just up to you to figure out whether or not the shape is going to be a rectangle or square. Due to the shape, and the way in which the radiant diamond reflects light, it doesn't have as many issues with clarity. That's why a lot of radiant diamonds can have minor flaws without it effecting the stone. The radiant isn't a traditional selection for a ring, however they are increasing in popularity, and soon they could be just as popular as other cuts.

Checking The Diamond Specifications

There are many different steps that you can take in order to ensure that the diamond you purchase is a good quality stone. Firstly you should take a thorough look at the four c's. This is; cut, clarity, carat weight and colour. Each of these elements will determine the overall quality of the diamond.

The clarity of a diamond is simply the flaws. If a diamond has excellent clarity then blemishes and inclusions won't be visible, even when the stone is under a microscope. If the clarity is poor then it may have air bubbles, blemishes or scratches on the surface. There are ways to fix these issues using a glass-like substance, however that can lower the overall value of the stone.

The carat weight will determine how much the diamond will cost. Obviously the other c's have a say, but the carat weight is the main factor behind the value. This is because larger diamonds are much rarer than smaller diamonds. The price will move up significantly if the diamond is heavy. This is why a lot of people choose to buy multiple diamonds, rather than just one.

Colour is obviously the colour of the diamond. The less colour a diamond has the more expensive it will be. The perfect diamond is transparent and called a white diamond. The reason they are considered to be the best is because of how much light they are able to both absorb and reflect.

All of the features that are stated in this article can be checked over in the grading report. This is a document that is used to show buyers exactly what they are buying. It's recommended that you never buy a stone that doesn't have a grading report.