
Six Pack Training for "Abs"-Solute Beginners

Did you find the title a bit whacky? I can't blame you, and I picked that title on purpose because I believe six pack training should be fun. As a personal trainer I have heard just about everything regarding where you should start with your six pack training program. Most of what I heard was blatantly false and in some cases dangerous. In this article I am going to go over some very basic exercises that anyone can do and the exercises create an excellent starting point for you! It doesn't matter your current fitness level, the six pack training routine I'm going to outline is simple, takes almost no equipment, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Crunches Are Not The Only Move

Many people seem to think that if you do a bunch of sit ups or crunches you don't have to do anything else, and nothing could be further from the truth. While it is true that these moves are a staple of six pack training, there are many others you can do as well to keep from getting bored. Aside from staying entertained, these will continue to cause muscle confusion which has been proven to accelerate fat loss!

Six Pack Training Bicycle Move

For this exercise you want to start on your back with your hands behind your head. Do not pull on your neck as this will do nothing aside from potentially cause an injury. Raise your knees to your chest and slowly push one of your legs out straight, then repeat on the other side. When you need to make this six pack training move more intense, you can twist your elbow to the opposite knee as you cycle with your legs. Do about 20 repetitions in three sets.

Six Pack Training Reverse Crunch

Start in the normal 'crunch' position, on your back with your knees bent, hands at your sides. Cross your ankles and lift your legs up while tightening your abs. Bring your knees up toward your chest, then return to start position without touching the ground. Do 20 in three sets. This six pack training move will work your lower abs hard which should prove beneficial as the lower abs are normally the most neglected out of your muscle groups.

Six Pack Training Oblique Move

Lie on the floor in the crunch position, with your hands at your sides about 2" above the floor. Tighten your abs and try to touch your fingertips of your left hand to your left heel, and then repeat to the other side. This six pack move works your obliques very well. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Easy Side Bends

For this six pack training move, you will need a pair of hand weights. If you don't have hand weights, you can improvise with plastic gallon jugs (like the ones used for milk). Simply fill the jugs with water. They should end up weighing about 8½ pounds each if you fill them all of the way. Hold a weight (or water filled jug) in each hand and tighten your abs. Slowly slide the weight down the side of your leg, keeping your body straight. Pull weight back up to start position and do the other side. For six pack training purposes, do 3 sets of 25 each side.

The Wood Chopper

For this six pack training move, you will again need a weight or jug full of water. Hold the weight or water jug with both hands and raise them to one side above your head. Bring it down and to the opposite side in a controlled, 'wood chopping' motion. Do 3 sets of 20 each side. This six pack training move needs to be done in a very fluid and controlled manner so you don't hurt your back. In fact, I highly encourage you to practice this particular exercise with no weights at all for one full set of repetitions and watch yourself in a mirror if at all possible.

Crunch Twist

For this six pack abs exercise, get into the crunch position with your feet flat and knees bent. Your arms should be straight over your head. Now you should tighten your abs and crunch up, bringing your hands over to one knee. Lower back toward to floor, but do not let your shoulders touch. Rise back up and aim your hands at the opposite knee. Do three sets of 20 repetitions. This six pack training move will work every muscle in your core.

These exercises should get you started on some good six pack training. For those of us that have been training for awhile, there might be some moves in here we can use to mix things up some. Just remember that consistency is key to six pack training, and train hard! And most importantly, do not get out of form by trying to sneak one last repetition in as it could be your last repetition for some time do to injury.

