
How To Choose A Radiant Cut Diamond

The radiant cut is a squared shaped diamond that was designed in such a way so that it will sparkle as well as a round brilliant cut. Just like the emerald cut the radiant is very often rectangle with cropped corners. The different between the two is that the radiant is faceted to add more sparkle. In this article, I'll be explaining what you need to know in order to make sure that you choose a good quality radiant cut diamond.

Buying A Radiant Diamond

There are a few things that you should always check before you decide to purchase a radiant online. This is the length and width. Unlike other forms of cut, with the radiant there aren't any rules with ratio. It's just up to you to figure out whether or not the shape is going to be a rectangle or square. Due to the shape, and the way in which the radiant diamond reflects light, it doesn't have as many issues with clarity. That's why a lot of radiant diamonds can have minor flaws without it effecting the stone. The radiant isn't a traditional selection for a ring, however they are increasing in popularity, and soon they could be just as popular as other cuts.

Checking The Diamond Specifications

There are many different steps that you can take in order to ensure that the diamond you purchase is a good quality stone. Firstly you should take a thorough look at the four c's. This is; cut, clarity, carat weight and colour. Each of these elements will determine the overall quality of the diamond.

The clarity of a diamond is simply the flaws. If a diamond has excellent clarity then blemishes and inclusions won't be visible, even when the stone is under a microscope. If the clarity is poor then it may have air bubbles, blemishes or scratches on the surface. There are ways to fix these issues using a glass-like substance, however that can lower the overall value of the stone.

The carat weight will determine how much the diamond will cost. Obviously the other c's have a say, but the carat weight is the main factor behind the value. This is because larger diamonds are much rarer than smaller diamonds. The price will move up significantly if the diamond is heavy. This is why a lot of people choose to buy multiple diamonds, rather than just one.

Colour is obviously the colour of the diamond. The less colour a diamond has the more expensive it will be. The perfect diamond is transparent and called a white diamond. The reason they are considered to be the best is because of how much light they are able to both absorb and reflect.

All of the features that are stated in this article can be checked over in the grading report. This is a document that is used to show buyers exactly what they are buying. It's recommended that you never buy a stone that doesn't have a grading report.

