It is easy to get more puzzled by all the "great workouts for abs" guides available when you try to achieve the imaginary six pack. You will probably discover that there is a wide variety of ab exercises to pick one, thus deciphering which types are designed to deliver maximum results can be tricky.
The one thing to bear in mind is that when ever you are trying to work your core, almost everything works, for a certain period of time. Everything from high repetitions, low repetitions, weighted work, bodyweight work, stability ball exercises, and BOSU ball exercises - it all works up to the point your physique adapts and says, "This is easy, I'm not going to improve until you give me a completely new reason to adapt."
All your ab training needs to be performed from stable floor work with your body weight to an unstable surface with weighted work. Advancing to movements which will reduce your base of support as much as possible are the best ab workouts because they'll call into play all the muscles within the core, particularly those which are really deep that even surface work fail to target.Such examples of floor ab workouts that would do this would be crunches, sit ups and leg raises.
Eventually you want to perform all these common exercises against gravity, and then on unstable surface like a stability ball. Body weight exercises for instance like "front planks" and "side planks" must be the base of a core program and progressed to one arm planks in the frontal and side planes and then gradually on a stability ball or BOSU ball for further recruitment.The best ab workouts to make your abs "pop" would be a variety of weighted movements. I'm sure you've seen skinny guys with a flat stomach but with no "eye popping" abs, obviously because they have not developed the actual abs muscle, just like every other body part.
Part of getting nicely chiseled abs is going to be developing the muscles underneath the fat, and weighted ab crunches with cables or a stability ball with a heavy dumbbell will do this best.The one weighted exercise you won't find in my programs is weighted side bends, as it could make you look wider in the waist, preventing your body from creating a lean image.
One concerning question most people have is regarding lower ab workouts, typically the most troubling spotYes, hip flexion, it should be performed first in the workout but the truth of the matter is that you cannot particularly separate your abs into upper and lower components.
When you do any kind of ab movement it is best to automatically be focusing on working both the upper and lower part at the same time.One of the Good exercises that definitely will direct a little more force into lower area of your midsection is Lying Leg Raises. lying leg raises on a incline and gradually hanging leg raises fully vertical. Lying leg raises on a stability pull is also an extremely challenging and advanced exercise to create razor sharp abs
Finally, the last thing to consider when you are going to start your ab workout is training frequency. Again, generally speaking, the more the better assuming your abdominals have recovered. Whether you want to do it at the end of your workout, before your workout, during your workout or on a day of it's own is up to you. My ab workouts incorporate all techniques depending on if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced.
Some concepts of that warn you to never start with abs is because abs work as a synergistic muscle for so many of the other exercises you'll do, if you pre-fatigue them before the start of the workout, you may not progress as much during the rest of your workout. I don't agree with this and if you're abs are your weakest link then they should be given first priority when you are the most fresh, the start of your workout.
Incorporating a specific ab workout is only a small part of the challenge - diet, lifestyle and overall caloric expenditure through weight training and cardio are the true foundations to creating a sexy and desired mid section.