
Exercise for Busy People: Work out with caution during swelter

During spring, you have worked very hard to get a beach body, and it’s important to maintain that by continuing your workout routine throughout the summer. As the temperature climbs into the 90s, how do we keep our routines going in the extreme heat and humidity? It would be wise to make a few adjustments during the summer months.

Exercise early: Try exercising between 5 and 11 a.m. If your schedule does not accommodate mornings, try evenings. The heat is at its peak between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Avoid those times.

Hydrate yourself: Keeping yourself hydrated during exercise is very important no matter when you exercise. As you sweat, you lose water as well as electrolytes. Electrolytes (e.g., sodium, magnesium) help conduct electrical signals throughout your body. When these electrolyte levels decrease, it affects your body’s performance. Excessive sweating from exercising in the heat drains water and electrolytes faster than exercising indoors. During the summer, increase your water intake before, during and after your workout. Consume a sports drink to replenish electrolytes.

Exercise indoors: Remember how you wanted to take your exercise outdoors during spring? For summer, move your workout indoors or in the shade. Get a membership at the gym during summer’s swelter. If you are not a gym member or don’t want to become one, make a nice home gym with a few pieces of equipment such as mat, jump rope, ball, band and a few sets of weights in a corner in your house.

Slow, short bursts of exercise: Whether you are just beginning your exercise program or you are a trained athlete, its important to start off slowly to allow your body the time to adjust to the heat. While exercising in the heat, a common mistake is to ramp up the exercise to get it over with as fast as possible. Instead, exercise with more breaks. If you feel overheated, stop, drink plenty of fluids and slow down your pace. You don’t have to be outside for a 90-minute workout, either. You also can try shorter 10-minute bursts of exercise at different times of the day.

