
Workouts for Moms Expert Holly Rigsby Launches Fit Yummy Mummy’s New Trouble Spot Solution

Fit Yummy Mummy, a fitness company devoted to exercises for moms, launched a new product Tuesday. The Fit Yummy Mummy Trouble Spot Solution offers workouts designed to target specific problem areas. The product is available at a promotional price through Friday.

New moms can struggle to lose fat in specific problem areas, including the butt, thighs, and abdominal region. Despite evidence showing that specific body part training does not target fat loss, busy mom fitness expert Holly Rigsby has designed a workout system that will yield results in these body parts.

“As all women know,” Fit Yummy Mummy owner Rigsby said, “it can be tough to lose thigh, butt, and belly fat after giving birth. Cardio simply doesn’t work, but I have devised a strength training progression sequence that will yield positive results for new moms.

“Many women simply do not know how to lose that mommy belly or their butt and thighs after giving birth,” Rigsby continued. “The Trouble Spot Solution takes the guesswork out of coming up with a workout progression that can target these difficult areas.”

The Trouble Spot Solution has been created to consist of different phases that produce a progression of fat loss. The first DVD targets the butt. The second builds on the first and proceeds to the thighs. The workout plan culminates with the abs.

“There are plenty of bad trainers out there who say they can produce fat loss in specific body zones,” Rigsby notes. “Repeatedly doing crunches or exercise machines that work the butt do not produce real results. You have to train the whole body in sequence.”

Rigsby further explains that cardiovascular exercise, while important in some ways, is not the route to firming these particular problem areas. Traditional cardio can help with endurance, but the research has shown that muscle “toning” is the result of strength training.

The Trouble Spot Solution also comes with several bonuses, including information on working out with kettlebells, interval training, and a meal planning resource.

Such products are in keeping with Rigsby’s goal of providing post pregnancy workouts to women. Rigsby also writes a Fit Yummy Mummy blog to offer nutrition advice and general tips on fitness to new moms.

Fit Yummy Mummy released the Trouble Spot Solution Tuesday. It is currently running a promotion through Friday, offering the DVDs and bonuses at a discounted rate. The entire system is twelve weeks long, but the results could very well change lives.

